Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Disengagements Review Approved on 03/08/2015 / Promotion ID: 11190


So many facets to this story, this was not an easy read for myself, but I was able to understand the situation this family was going through. A family is being torn apart because of the government job a husband really has no choice, but to take. The situation the family is placed in is really difficult and is tearing the famliy apart.   This book focus on Israel's political history and the many aspects gives up on each other and then ultimately finds.  You have the opportunity to look at life through the easy of each many aspects gives up on each other and then ultimately finds children having physical issues and struggles to say what he means to degrading the child for not being "normal", but what one person is normal. The characters are very well written and complicated, very engaging story.



Disclaimer: I receive this product for free in exchange for an unbiased review


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