
My dog is a Husky mix with a very thick black fur and a lot of undercoat.The heat down here in the deep south is killing her. So when I went to Walmart to get something for her joints I saw this De-Shedding tool and since I'm real skeptic about stuff like this it took me a while to make up me mind if or if not.I bought it and I am so glad that I did and my dog is happy too. Never in the eight years that I have my old gal was it this easy to get rid of her undercoat and all the dead hairs without hurting her.She actually enjoyed being brushed. You can not believe how much hair I got out. I am impressed. If you have a dog with a lot of hair and undercoat you need to get this tool ...it is awsome...and it is one of those tools what really does what it promise.Disclaimer: I received a free or discounted product in exchange for your review.

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